It's a fair question in our current age, why wear a watch? We have screens and devices all around to tell us the time and if we don't others within ear shot usually do but here are three reasons you should still wear one.
1. You're an adult. Or you should at least try to act like one. A watch is a very basic tool. You should know what time it is without asking others. ...I know you have a phone. Kindly read on.
2. If you identify as male, it's one of the best and most universally accepted pieces of jewelry you can wear. While some males get away with all manner of rings, bracelets and necklaces, others, most others, do not. A watch is a great way to express yourself add some decoration to your outfit and project a more professional image that says you are likely to be more punctual and care about time, your own and that of others. A watch can say a lot about who you are or at least who you'd like to be and if it's not too flashy it's as welcome in any setting and with any outfit. A basic field watch can go with suits, jeans, and swim suits or workout clothes. The Timex Weekender can even be had for less than $30 if you look hard enough and aren't picky about the band it comes on.
3. The big one. By wearing a watch you allow yourself to not need to get your phone out during a conversation, meeting, class or quality time with friends and family. In a world increasingly sensitive to people being distracted its reason enough to cut out one more reason to be on that phone. It's also dangerous and in some states illegal to have your phone in hand while driving. Do yourself and your reputation a favor, put on that watch and keep your phone in your pocket.
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